A bra line back lift is a cosmetic procedure designed to address the two folds on the back that women, and some men, can experience. The single or dual folds on the back can occur naturally or they can appear after weight gain or loss. While a breast lift is designed to elevate sagging breasts upon the chest wall, a bra line back lift takes the back folds away and provides a better contour to the back because everything is pulled up. The fat that is removed is mainly in a line, which goes across the back, and it should be hidden in the bra line.
Bra Line Back Lift – How it is Performed
A bra line back lift is an ideal treatment for patients suffering from sagging skin on the back due to the aging process. It is also a good choice for someone with sagging skin that occurred due to a large weight loss after undergoing bariatric surgery.
During the consultation appointment with the patient, the doctor will use the bra of the patient as a guide for markings and also to identify where incisions can easily be hidden (by a bra or a swimsuit) after surgery. The surgeon will create an incision in the targeted area in order to remove any excess fat and skin as well as provide a smoother and tighter look to the skin on the back. The length of the incision depends on the amount of skin that will be removed and the incision can possibly extend around the front of the patient into the crease of the breasts. Liposuction can also be performed to remove excess fat and provide results that are even more contoured and smooth in appearance.
Bra Line Back Lift Recovery Process
Once the surgery is performed, the patient will begin the recovery process which takes about two weeks. The recovering patient should avoid wearing a bra during this time period. After the first two weeks of recovery time have ended, the patient can wear a loose-fitting flex bra for another few weeks of recovery.
Patients will need to take about two weeks off work after the surgery as they cannot lift anything over ten pounds for around a month. They need to be careful when lifting anything as they do not want to pull the incisions apart or cause any type of damage to the area where the surgery was performed.
Bra Line Back Lift Results
The results of a bra line back lift are visible almost immediately. The treated area is improved after the procedure, and unlike many other cosmetic procedures, the final results do not show a continual improvement.
The improvements and final results will be permanent as long as the patient does not experience a large weight gain that is followed by a subsequent weight loss. If this happens, the results of the bra line back lift can be reversed.
There are some limitations to what can be accomplished by a bra line back lift. These limitations can impact the type, and amount, of results enjoyed by a patient.
If the patient is an extremely heavy person, with a rather large body mass index (BMI) and a very thick back, there is a limit to how much a bra line back lift can help treat the targeted areas on the back. This procedure is an ideal choice for patients that have undergone weight loss as well as being ideal for a patient that has a lot of skin folds.
If a patient plans on losing a large amount of weight, that person should not have the procedure until reaching their final weight goals. In addition, patients who are very heavy can experience some stretching of the scar after the surgery so they will not see the ideal final results.
Bra Line Back Lift Risks
A bra line back lift includes some risks as part of the procedure. These risks include swelling, bruising, a scar and the risk of the scar stretching or becoming wider in patients that are heavier than others.
Bra Line Back Lift – First Steps
A patient that wants to have a bra line back lift that takes away the folds on the back need to schedule a consultation appointment with a board-certified physician that is experienced in performing the treatment. The doctor will examine the current condition of the back of the patient to determine if the person is an ideal candidate for the procedure.
In addition, the patient should discuss their reasons for wanting to have the treatment along with their desired final results. It is important for the patient to have realistic expectations before making the final decision to have the procedure. Realistic expectations keep the patient from being surprised by the actual final results they will experience once the procedure is completed.
Once the consultation appointment is over, the patient will be armed with enough information to make an informed final decision about undergoing a bra line back lift procedure.