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How You Should Prepare for a Beverly Hills Breast Augmentation Consultation

Prepare for Breast Surgery Consultation

Prepare for Breast Surgery ConsultationPreparing for a breast augmentation consultation in Beverly Hills is more than simply selecting a doctor and attending the appointment. You will need to do some research and select a few doctors to meet with regarding the surgery. One of the most important aspects of a consultation is to feel confident that the surgeon you have chosen is adequately skilled and will be able to meet your goals. It is important for you to know what your goals are prior to meeting with the surgeon. Knowing how to prepare for a Beverly Hills breast augmentation consultation can get you on the right path for a successful surgery.

Take A Look in The Mirror

Stand in front of the mirror. What aspects of your breasts do you want to see changed? Consider the size, shape and nipple/areola complex of the breasts. Are the nipples facing downward or pointing outward? Perhaps the breasts have lost some volume due to age, pregnancy or weight fluctuation. Knowing what you like, and don’t like, about your breasts will help you to clearly express your goals to the surgeon. You can also bring some pictures as a visual example of what you wish to gain from your surgery. There are many images on the Internet that you can print out but keep in mind that each person is different and breast augmentation results can vary.

Do Some Research

Learn as much as you can about the breast augmentation procedure prior to your consultation. There are different ways to augment the breasts such as a breast lift, fat graft and implants. Furthermore, there are different types of implants with different contours and shapes. Each type of implant has its advantages and disadvantages. Plus, there are various techniques for placing the implants and/or lifting the breasts. Learning about the different techniques can help you get the most out of your consultation and to make an informed decision about your breast augmentation.

Meet the Surgeon

Be sure that you are meeting with the actual surgeon and not just a staff member. Meeting with the doctor will allow you to ask questions about the procedure and get to know the doctor so you are comfortable with him or her. Prepare a list of questions and take it with you to the consultation. This will help you stay on track and remember all the questions you want answered. Don’t be afraid to ask how long the surgeon has been doing these procedures. You want to ensure that the surgeon is adequately skilled in the type of breast augmentation procedure you are seeking. It is always advisable to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon since these doctors are held to a higher standard than those who are not certified and properly trained. Beverly Hills has hundreds of doctors performing plastic surgery on a daily basis. Meeting the surgeon in person will help you determine if you are comfortable with him performing breast augmentation on your body or if you need to choose another Beverly Hills surgeon.

During the Consultation

At the consultation, the surgeon will examine your breasts as well as the position of the nipples. The distance between the breasts will be measured and the breasts will be evaluated by how much skin laxity there is. The doctor may determine this by gently pinching or tugging at the skin. This examination will help to determine the best type of procedure to meet your goals. The surgeon should also be honest and say whether your goals are realistic. Breast tissue can only stretch so far and trying to fit overly large implants into someone with a small frame may not be realistic. Your health history and current medications will also be discussed. It is important to be open and honest since certain medications and conditions can increase surgical risks or impede healing. Before leaving the consultation, be sure to ask for the total cost of the procedure and what is included in the cost. The cost will usually consist of the surgeon’s fee, anesthesia fee, implant fee and operating room fee. Get the estimated cost in writing. Ask if there are any additional costs which were not included such as preoperative tests and post-surgical medications.

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